The problem of the modern age is temptation. Technology has put us face to face with pleasures inconceivable to the kings of the past. Junk food, infinite scrolling apps, high-definition porn, Netflix , and Amazon prime beat us down into a bloody pulp making us wonder if we had a chance to resist at all.
How do we regain our will-power and fight our addictive habits? The answer lies in two simple principles.
Understand volitional actions
Avoid temptation
The first step is to understand that every occurrence in our life is either volitional and in our control or non-volitional and outside of our control.
Lets apply to this to the widespread crisis of porn addiction. Is opening a browser tab, typing in a website address, clicking, and then watching a video within your control? Is there an imaginary hand forcing you to do these things? If you don’t follow through will you be punished by someone else?
Obviously no! We are choosing to do these things. Just as we are choosing to act, we can also choose not to act. Its that simple.
At this point you may say “well I know it is in my control, but I can’t help to stuff myself with cheeseburgers and fries on a Friday night. I just can’t control myself.”
Liar! If you know it is in your control then you know you can oppose your inner voice that goads you to act. Remember that you are in control of your limbs. Just because your mind whispers to you to do something does not mean the matter falls from your hands. You still have a stake in the decision.
Despite this people still fail to restrain themselves. Temptation wears down a man’s will, making him weak and tired, eventually bringing him down to his knees in submission. This is why avoiding temptation in the first place in conjunction with the first principle help overcome these habits.
If you have an addiction to Netflix that causes serious harm in your life, then delete Netflix. If you truly feel a habit is harming you then cut all avenues to said habit.
For example:
junk food addiction → don’t carry card or cash when going out. Delete food ordering apps
porn addiction → avoid triggers. If you know going on Instagram is triggering you then flee Instagram. You don’t need it. Put restrictions on your phone.
Netflix → delete this garbage, youth-wasting app. Be above mindless entertainment.
Amazon → Remove your cards from Amazon and delete Prime.
The above are just examples and may not work for everyone. I recommend experimenting until you find the sweet spot.
And remember friends, you always have control!